SandTrapper SL

A High Loft Alternative…

The “high-loft” technology is very different from that of other Sandtrapper styles. The SL option has thinner, low-denier polyester fibers and a lightweight binder. The product is thicker than other Sandtrapper styles, replacing heavier weight with greater fiber count. Sandtrapper SL is less compressive-resistant than the rest of the Sandtrapper line-up.

The new high-loft or soft-loft style offers an affordable option for those seeking solid, baseline performance against washouts and sand contamination. With soft-loft technologies, the ratio of fibers to binder increases, and the lightweight binder creates a more flexible matrix.

Direct comparisons of the products reveal that their tensile strength is greater than that of competing products, while basic characteristics, such as thickness, remain within similar parameters.

Compression Resistance

Sandtrapper product developers have long believed that maintaining the integrity of the three-dimensional matrix is the most important factor in performance. The lightweight fibers and binders compress under the weight of just a few inches of sand.

When the matrix is compromised, sand particles cannot be held in place as effectively as with other Sandtrapper styles. During rain events, water dynamics can cause sand particles to become active, increasing the likelihood of washouts. For this reason, Sandtrapper SL is recommended for use in bunkers with shallow, less severe slopes.

Product Dimensions

Sandtrapper SL is available in a 56 ” roll width and has a total coverage area of 560 square feet.

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