Retain Pro is a leading-edge wetting agent designed to break the surface tension of water and evenly distribute water throughout the rootzone. Retain Pro interacts with soil molecules to reduce leaching and holds water in the rootzone.
- Retains moisture for better control and drought prevention
- Promotes uniform moisture distribution
- Amends hydrophobic soils
- Combats wilt symptoms
2½ gal (10 L) jug
3-6 fl oz / 1000 sq ft
(10-20 L/ha)
For extended moisture maintenance
6-9 fl oz / 1000 sq ft
(20-30 L/ha)
8.61 lb/gal
(1.03 kg/L)
Retain Pro should be used in accordance with weather and soil conditions to maintain adequate soil moisture. All applications should be immediately watered in sufficiently to move material into rootzone.
Under conditions that require extended moisture maintenance, such as very high percolation sands and hydrophobic soils, early season high-rate applications are recommended.
Two applications of 6-9 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (20-30 L/ha), spaced 7-10 days apart, are recommended and will generally relieve hydrophobic localized dry spots for 3-6 months. Under other conditions, applications of 3-6 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (10-20 L/ha) every 3-8 weeks will decrease soil desiccation.
Retain Pro is compatible with all Floratine soil products. Tank mixing should never be attempted with any other product
unless definite compatibility is predetermined by using the standard jar test. For best mixing results, remove tank
strainer prior to product addition.